How To Do On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is the practice of maximizing and optimizing web pages individually so that they reach a higher rank and earn the most relevant traffic in the search engines. Here is a checklist about how you can do your on-page SEO:

The Very Basics

Acquire a proactive approach.

Start by searching the SERPs. Enter some keyword related to you and see what comes.

Examine the first few results and see what is going well, e.g. the URL, title or the featured snippet.

Look for any gaps you can fill. Find content and questions that aren’t being answered in the results and create content accordingly to get a higher ranking.

Keyword Research

Identify your primary and essential keywords.

Understand your target market and niche.

Figure out their demographics, interests and requirements.

Next, segment your market into smaller sub-groups based upon the various demographics, interests and needs.


Pick URLs that are short, clean and easier to read and understand.

Google’s algorithm prefers URLs with 3-5 words only.

Make sure your URL contains the primary keyword and an accurate portrayal of what the page is about.

This way; Google will be able to crawl your page effectively.

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